
🇰🇷Naju , Korea (Republic of)


Misbruik e-mail[email protected]
Gehoste domeinen0
Gehoste mailservers0
Gehoste nameservers0


IP-geolocatie wordt gebruikt om de fysieke locatie (zoals land, regio, stad en breedte-/lengtegraadcoördinaten) van het apparaat dat is gekoppeld aan een specifiek IP-adres te bepalen. Het IP-adres bevindt zich in Korea (Republic of).

LandKorea (Republic of)
Coördinaten35.028323 , 126.717602
35.028323 , 126.717602


RDAP staat voor Registration Data Access Protocol. Het is een protocol dat wordt gebruikt om registratiegegevens voor internetbronnen zoals domeinnamen, IP-adressen en autonome systeemnummers op te halen en te raadplegen. RDAP heeft verschillende voordelen ten opzichte van het WHOIS-protocol, waaronder ondersteuning voor internationalisering, veilige toegang tot gegevens en de mogelijkheid om gedifferentieerde toegang tot registratiegegevens te bieden. Hier zijn de ruwe RDAP-gegevens voor


Administratief Telefoon+82-2-405-5118
Administratief E-mail[email protected]
Technisch Telefoon+82-2-405-5118
Technisch E-mail[email protected]
Misbruik E-mail[email protected]

Ruwe gegevens

2        "rdapConformance": [
3                "nro_rdap_profile_0",
4                "cidr0",
5                "rdap_level_0"
6        ],
7        "notices": [
8                {
9                        "title": "Source",
10                        "description": [
11                                "Objects returned came from source",
12                                "KRNIC"
13                        ]
14                },
15                {
16                        "title": "Terms and Conditions",
17                        "description": [
18                                "This is the APNIC WHOIS Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format.",
19                                "This information has been partially mirrored by APNIC from KRNIC. To obtain more specific information, please use the KRNIC whois server at whois.kisa.or.kr."
20                        ],
21                        "links": [
22                                {
23                                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
24                                        "rel": "terms-of-service",
25                                        "href": "http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html",
26                                        "type": "text/html"
27                                }
28                        ]
29                },
30                {
31                        "title": "Whois Inaccuracy Reporting",
32                        "description": [
33                                "If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: "
34                        ],
35                        "links": [
36                                {
37                                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
38                                        "rel": "inaccuracy-report",
39                                        "href": "https://www.apnic.net/manage-ip/using-whois/abuse-and-spamming/invalid-contact-form",
40                                        "type": "text/html"
41                                }
42                        ]
43                }
44        ],
45        "country": "KR",
46        "name": "KRNIC-NET-KR",
47        "remarks": [
48                {
49                        "description": [
50                                "Korea Internet Security Agency"
51                        ],
52                        "title": "description"
53                },
54                {
55                        "description": [
56                                "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----MIIDfTCCAmWgAwIBAgIJAJPetuUqlsFuMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAMFUxCzAJBgNVBAYTAlhYMRUwEwYDVQQHDAxEZWZhdWx0IENpdHkxHDAaBgNVBAoME0RlZmF1bHQgQ29tcGFueSBMdGQxETAPBgNVBAMMCGcuZG5zLmtyMB4XDTIxMDgwMjA0NDYxNVoXDTIyMDgwMjA0NDYxNVowVTELMAkGA1UEBhMCWFgxFTATBgNVBAcMDERlZmF1bHQgQ2l0eTEcMBoGA1UECgwTRGVmYXVsdCBDb21wYW55IEx0ZDERMA8GA1UEAwwIZy5kbnMua3IwggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDNinvYkQZnJ77jnoTjfxhqDLi1xzrJ+Sse/ZgTKkBQ5B9q4Jcwi9OJkJforqpNYO+xweFA7t3Z6Xh9lfydpwcBo/yCUtSVoc2BFpXh+2xUOJEJxROIrjVe3WKMy+NNMip8C/me4mCN2kWq58CEjKHjo5NcC+rMe3+fFHElGpli99F1cVv2RN1b3IoTaK48fgyr1w9O2Apt0nHU5zOzntfGPfjs8UA9XtL2GCDG65eSMnNdWM9HRw47KKIJfRIMhtp9a3geCwW/2vWx32PN+zAhIY005amvykqS2uqhJK+iT4wXF1Po9oRizVAwQcxIDvT4OgtlmfrpFV6ZI+dHEOYNAgMBAAGjUDBOMB0GA1UdDgQWBBTKVsuiBsPTt359cHZ/U/P9bN//4jAfBgNVHSMEGDAWgBTKVsuiBsPTt359cHZ/U/P9bN//4jAMBgNVHRMEBTADAQH/MA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBCwUAA4IBAQAOid7SqknTM0akKNJfNukeVNosLu9/tNvcirvUCDZN6a02UL1/yyAxqXrz26H+wvwnkf+d/JQg3uIURDVSG8ljv4XQdRN3f48K0OS/51eJQTVUPnrsMmoZ1vpbPbClpIAF61swxvAC6AjtnmwHYVaxLGsDCfHu8OsBr0AZu9Rr0Xm1e5Mq/7+dzt9eKlm4L/g7BCShO7zxJlIWaZZftr/Ld7wIZmXY9T5uMYJbzI3BUHQOEkxI1X3pmmFDf69ZErkrrpup64u2gxmfvXejgPKSO693aR2eEMP+3vByd7p+K24DBBodt8nc2J/X4RViI0R0+UQdGvpGY5mijsAf41X9-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
57                        ],
58                        "title": "remarks"
59                }
60        ],
61        "links": [
62                {
63                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
64                        "rel": "self",
65                        "href": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
66                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
67                },
68                {
69                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
70                        "rel": "related",
71                        "href": "https://netox.apnic.net/search/",
72                        "type": "text/html"
73                }
74        ],
75        "status": [
76                "active"
77        ],
78        "type": "ALLOCATED PORTABLE",
79        "endAddress": "",
80        "ipVersion": "v4",
81        "startAddress": "",
82        "objectClassName": "ip network",
83        "handle": " -",
84        "entities": [
85                {
86                        "roles": [
87                                "administrative"
88                        ],
89                        "links": [
90                                {
91                                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
92                                        "rel": "self",
93                                        "href": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/entity/IA98-KR",
94                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
95                                }
96                        ],
97                        "vcardArray": [
98                                "vcard",
99                                [
100                                        [
101                                                "version",
102                                                {},
103                                                "text",
104                                                "4.0"
105                                        ],
106                                        [
107                                                "fn",
108                                                {},
109                                                "text",
110                                                "IP Manager"
111                                        ],
112                                        [
113                                                "kind",
114                                                {},
115                                                "text",
116                                                "individual"
117                                        ],
118                                        [
119                                                "adr",
120                                                {
121                                                        "label": "Jeollanam-do Naju-si Jinheung-gil\n9"
122                                                },
123                                                "text",
124                                                [
125                                                        "",
126                                                        "",
127                                                        "",
128                                                        "",
129                                                        "",
130                                                        "",
131                                                        ""
132                                                ]
133                                        ],
134                                        [
135                                                "tel",
136                                                {
137                                                        "type": "voice"
138                                                },
139                                                "text",
140                                                "+82-2-405-5118"
141                                        ],
142                                        [
143                                                "email",
144                                                {},
145                                                "text",
146                                                "[email protected]"
147                                        ]
148                                ]
149                        ],
150                        "objectClassName": "entity",
151                        "handle": "IA98-KR"
152                },
153                {
154                        "roles": [
155                                "technical"
156                        ],
157                        "links": [
158                                {
159                                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
160                                        "rel": "self",
161                                        "href": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/entity/IT98-KR",
162                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
163                                }
164                        ],
165                        "vcardArray": [
166                                "vcard",
167                                [
168                                        [
169                                                "version",
170                                                {},
171                                                "text",
172                                                "4.0"
173                                        ],
174                                        [
175                                                "fn",
176                                                {},
177                                                "text",
178                                                "IP Manager"
179                                        ],
180                                        [
181                                                "kind",
182                                                {},
183                                                "text",
184                                                "individual"
185                                        ],
186                                        [
187                                                "adr",
188                                                {
189                                                        "label": "Jeollanam-do Naju-si Jinheung-gil\n9"
190                                                },
191                                                "text",
192                                                [
193                                                        "",
194                                                        "",
195                                                        "",
196                                                        "",
197                                                        "",
198                                                        "",
199                                                        ""
200                                                ]
201                                        ],
202                                        [
203                                                "tel",
204                                                {
205                                                        "type": "voice"
206                                                },
207                                                "text",
208                                                "+82-2-405-5118"
209                                        ],
210                                        [
211                                                "email",
212                                                {},
213                                                "text",
214                                                "[email protected]"
215                                        ]
216                                ]
217                        ],
218                        "objectClassName": "entity",
219                        "handle": "IT98-KR"
220                },
221                {
222                        "roles": [
223                                "abuse"
224                        ],
225                        "events": [
226                                {
227                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
228                                        "eventDate": "2017-10-19T07:36:36Z"
229                                }
230                        ],
231                        "links": [
232                                {
233                                        "value": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
234                                        "rel": "self",
235                                        "href": "https://krnic.rdap.apnic.net/entity/IRT-KRNIC-KR",
236                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
237                                }
238                        ],
239                        "vcardArray": [
240                                "vcard",
241                                [
242                                        [
243                                                "version",
244                                                {},
245                                                "text",
246                                                "4.0"
247                                        ],
248                                        [
249                                                "fn",
250                                                {},
251                                                "text",
252                                                "IRT-KRNIC-KR"
253                                        ],
254                                        [
255                                                "kind",
256                                                {},
257                                                "text",
258                                                "group"
259                                        ],
260                                        [
261                                                "adr",
262                                                {
263                                                        "label": "Seocho-ro 398, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea"
264                                                },
265                                                "text",
266                                                [
267                                                        "",
268                                                        "",
269                                                        "",
270                                                        "",
271                                                        "",
272                                                        "",
273                                                        ""
274                                                ]
275                                        ],
276                                        [
277                                                "email",
278                                                {},
279                                                "text",
280                                                "[email protected]"
281                                        ],
282                                        [
283                                                "email",
284                                                {
285                                                        "pref": "1"
286                                                },
287                                                "text",
288                                                "[email protected]"
289                                        ]
290                                ]
291                        ],
292                        "objectClassName": "entity",
293                        "handle": "IRT-KRNIC-KR"
294                }
295        ],
296        "cidr0_cidrs": [
297                {
298                        "v4prefix": "",
299                        "length": 22
300                }
301        ],
302        "port43": "whois.apnic.net"

Gratis Hulpmiddelen

IP-adres Zoeken

Voer een IP-adres in om gedetailleerde informatie hierover te verkrijgen, inclusief geografische locatie, leverancier, ASN en Whois-informatie. Volg en lokaliseer IP-adressen.

Website Alternatieven Vinder

Onderzoek websites en bied een selectie van alternatieve opties.

Wat is Mijn IP

Alle informatie over uw IP-adres. Locatie, tijdzone, netwerk, adresstype (IPv4 of IPv6) en meer. Zie uw echte openbare IP-adres.


Wat is het ASN en AS-naam van

Het ASN van is , de AS-naam is -

Hoeveel domeinen worden gehost op

Er worden 0 domeinen gehost op

Wat is de geografische locatie van

Het land van is Korea (Republic of), en de stad is Naju. De postcode van is 58249