
🇹🇼Taipei , Taiwan (Province of China)


UnternehmenAmazon.com Inc.
Datum der letzten Änderung2021-06-24
Missbrauchs-E-Mail[email protected]
Gehostete Domänen0
Gehostete Mailserver0
Gehostete Nameserver0


Die IP-Geolokalisierung wird verwendet, um den physischen Standort (wie Land, Region, Stadt und Breiten-/Längenkoordinaten) des Geräts, das mit einer bestimmten IP-Adresse verbunden ist, zu bestimmen. Die IP-Adresse befindet sich in Taiwan (Province of China).

LandTaiwan (Province of China)
Koordinaten25.038171 , 121.563599
25.038171 , 121.563599


RDAP steht für Registration Data Access Protocol. Es handelt sich um ein Protokoll, das verwendet wird, um Registrierungsdaten für Internetressourcen wie Domänennamen, IP-Adressen und autonome Systemnummern abzurufen. RDAP bietet mehrere Vorteile gegenüber dem WHOIS-Protokoll, darunter Unterstützung für Internationalisierung, sicheren Zugriff auf Daten und die Möglichkeit, differenzierten Zugriff auf Registrierungsdaten bereitzustellen. Hier sind die RDAP-Rohdaten für


Datum der letzten Änderung2021-06-24
Verwaltung Telefon+886-2-8667-1298
Technisch Telefon+886-2-8667-1298
Verwaltung E-Mail[email protected]
Technisch E-Mail[email protected]
Missbrauch E-Mail[email protected]


2        "rdapConformance": [
3                "history_version_0",
4                "nro_rdap_profile_0",
5                "cidr0",
6                "rdap_level_0"
7        ],
8        "notices": [
9                {
10                        "title": "Source",
11                        "description": [
12                                "Objects returned came from source",
13                                "APNIC"
14                        ]
15                },
16                {
17                        "title": "Terms and Conditions",
18                        "description": [
19                                "This is the APNIC WHOIS Database query service. The objects are in RDAP format."
20                        ],
21                        "links": [
22                                {
23                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
24                                        "rel": "terms-of-service",
25                                        "href": "http://www.apnic.net/db/dbcopyright.html",
26                                        "type": "text/html"
27                                }
28                        ]
29                },
30                {
31                        "title": "Whois Inaccuracy Reporting",
32                        "description": [
33                                "If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: "
34                        ],
35                        "links": [
36                                {
37                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
38                                        "rel": "inaccuracy-report",
39                                        "href": "https://www.apnic.net/manage-ip/using-whois/abuse-and-spamming/invalid-contact-form",
40                                        "type": "text/html"
41                                }
42                        ]
43                }
44        ],
45        "country": "TW",
46        "events": [
47                {
48                        "eventAction": "registration",
49                        "eventDate": "2021-06-17T06:21:38Z"
50                },
51                {
52                        "eventAction": "last changed",
53                        "eventDate": "2021-06-24T01:32:59Z"
54                }
55        ],
56        "name": "CYBERLINK",
57        "remarks": [
58                {
59                        "description": [
60                                "CyberLink Corp.",
61                                "15F., No.100, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist.,",
62                                "New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)"
63                        ],
64                        "title": "description"
65                },
66                {
67                        "description": [
68                                "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
69                        ],
70                        "title": "remarks"
71                }
72        ],
73        "links": [
74                {
75                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
76                        "rel": "self",
77                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
78                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
79                },
80                {
81                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
82                        "rel": "related",
83                        "href": "https://netox.apnic.net/search/",
84                        "type": "text/html"
85                }
86        ],
87        "status": [
88                "active"
89        ],
90        "type": "ALLOCATED PORTABLE",
91        "endAddress": "",
92        "ipVersion": "v4",
93        "startAddress": "",
94        "objectClassName": "ip network",
95        "handle": " -",
96        "entities": [
97                {
98                        "roles": [
99                                "administrative",
100                                "technical"
101                        ],
102                        "events": [
103                                {
104                                        "eventAction": "registration",
105                                        "eventDate": "2021-06-17T06:19:00Z"
106                                },
107                                {
108                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
109                                        "eventDate": "2021-06-17T06:19:00Z"
110                                }
111                        ],
112                        "links": [
113                                {
114                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
115                                        "rel": "self",
116                                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/entity/SC2952-AP",
117                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
118                                }
119                        ],
120                        "vcardArray": [
121                                "vcard",
122                                [
123                                        [
124                                                "version",
125                                                {},
126                                                "text",
127                                                "4.0"
128                                        ],
129                                        [
130                                                "fn",
131                                                {},
132                                                "text",
133                                                "Sherlock Chen"
134                                        ],
135                                        [
136                                                "kind",
137                                                {},
138                                                "text",
139                                                "individual"
140                                        ],
141                                        [
142                                                "adr",
143                                                {
144                                                        "label": "15F., No.100, Minquan Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City 231, Taiwan (R.O.C.)"
145                                                },
146                                                "text",
147                                                [
148                                                        "",
149                                                        "",
150                                                        "",
151                                                        "",
152                                                        "",
153                                                        "",
154                                                        ""
155                                                ]
156                                        ],
157                                        [
158                                                "tel",
159                                                {
160                                                        "type": "voice"
161                                                },
162                                                "text",
163                                                "+886-2-8667-1298"
164                                        ],
165                                        [
166                                                "email",
167                                                {},
168                                                "text",
169                                                "[email protected]"
170                                        ]
171                                ]
172                        ],
173                        "objectClassName": "entity",
174                        "handle": "SC2952-AP"
175                },
176                {
177                        "roles": [
178                                "abuse"
179                        ],
180                        "events": [
181                                {
182                                        "eventAction": "registration",
183                                        "eventDate": "2010-11-07T23:16:10Z"
184                                },
185                                {
186                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
187                                        "eventDate": "2021-11-04T00:59:51Z"
188                                }
189                        ],
190                        "remarks": [
191                                {
192                                        "description": [
193                                                "Please note that TWNIC is not an ISP and is not empowered",
194                                                "to investigate complaints of network abuse.",
195                                                "[email protected] was validated on 2021-11-04"
196                                        ],
197                                        "title": "remarks"
198                                }
199                        ],
200                        "links": [
201                                {
202                                        "value": "https://rdap.apnic.net/ip/",
203                                        "rel": "self",
204                                        "href": "https://rdap.apnic.net/entity/IRT-TWNIC-AP",
205                                        "type": "application/rdap+json"
206                                }
207                        ],
208                        "vcardArray": [
209                                "vcard",
210                                [
211                                        [
212                                                "version",
213                                                {},
214                                                "text",
215                                                "4.0"
216                                        ],
217                                        [
218                                                "fn",
219                                                {},
220                                                "text",
221                                                "IRT-TWNIC-AP"
222                                        ],
223                                        [
224                                                "kind",
225                                                {},
226                                                "text",
227                                                "group"
228                                        ],
229                                        [
230                                                "adr",
231                                                {
232                                                        "label": "3F., No. 123, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei 105, Taiwan"
233                                                },
234                                                "text",
235                                                [
236                                                        "",
237                                                        "",
238                                                        "",
239                                                        "",
240                                                        "",
241                                                        "",
242                                                        ""
243                                                ]
244                                        ],
245                                        [
246                                                "email",
247                                                {},
248                                                "text",
249                                                "[email protected]"
250                                        ],
251                                        [
252                                                "email",
253                                                {
254                                                        "pref": "1"
255                                                },
256                                                "text",
257                                                "[email protected]"
258                                        ]
259                                ]
260                        ],
261                        "objectClassName": "entity",
262                        "handle": "IRT-TWNIC-AP"
263                }
264        ],
265        "cidr0_cidrs": [
266                {
267                        "v4prefix": "",
268                        "length": 23
269                }
270        ],
271        "port43": "whois.apnic.net"

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IP-Adressen Suche

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Was ist meine IP

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Was sind die ASN und AS-Name von

Die ASN von ist 16509, der AS-Name ist Amazon.com Inc.

Wie viele Domänen sind auf gehostet?

Es sind 0 Domänen auf gehostet

Wo befindet sich der geografische Standort von

Das Land von ist Taiwan (Province of China), und die Stadt ist Taipei. Die Postleitzahl von ist 231