
🇺🇸San Francisco , United States of America


VirksomhedAmazon.com Inc.
Seneste ændringsdato2021-12-15
Misbrug e-mail[email protected]
Misbrug telefon+1-650-504-2345
Hostede domæner0
Hostede mailservere0
Hostede navneservere0


IP-geolokalisering bruges til at bestemme den fysiske placering (såsom land, region, by og bredde-/længdekoordinater) for enheden forbundet med en bestemt IP-adresse. IP-adressen er placeret i United States of America.

BySan Francisco
LandUnited States of America
Koordinater37.773969 , -122.410448
37.773969 , -122.410448


RDAP står for Registreringsdata Adgangsprotokol. Det er en protokol, der bruges til at få adgang til og hente registreringsdata for internetressourcer som domænenavne, IP-adresser og autonome systemnumre. RDAP har flere fordele i forhold til WHOIS-protokollen, herunder understøttelse af internationalisering, sikker adgang til data og evnen til at levere differentieret adgang til registreringsdata. Her er de rå RDAP-data for


Seneste ændringsdato2021-12-15
Misbrug Telefon+1-650-504-2345
Routing Telefon+1-650-504-2345
Teknisk Telefon+1-650-504-2345
Administrativ Telefon+1-650-504-2345
Misbrug E-mail[email protected]
Routing E-mail[email protected]
Teknisk E-mail[email protected]
Administrativ E-mail[email protected]


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7        ],
8        "notices": [
9                {
10                        "title": "Terms of Service",
11                        "description": [
12                                "By using the ARIN RDAP/Whois service, you are agreeing to the RDAP/Whois Terms of Use"
13                        ],
14                        "links": [
15                                {
16                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
17                                        "rel": "terms-of-service",
18                                        "type": "text/html",
19                                        "href": "https://www.arin.net/resources/registry/whois/tou/"
20                                }
21                        ]
22                },
23                {
24                        "title": "Whois Inaccuracy Reporting",
25                        "description": [
26                                "If you see inaccuracies in the results, please visit: "
27                        ],
28                        "links": [
29                                {
30                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
31                                        "rel": "inaccuracy-report",
32                                        "type": "text/html",
33                                        "href": "https://www.arin.net/resources/registry/whois/inaccuracy_reporting/"
34                                }
35                        ]
36                },
37                {
38                        "title": "Copyright Notice",
39                        "description": [
40                                "Copyright 1997-2023, American Registry for Internet Numbers, Ltd."
41                        ]
42                }
43        ],
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46        "endAddress": "",
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49        "type": "DIRECT ALLOCATION",
50        "parentHandle": "NET-216-0-0-0-0",
51        "remarks": [
52                {
53                        "title": "Registration Comments",
54                        "description": [
55                                "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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-----END CERTIFICATE-----"
56                        ]
57                }
58        ],
59        "events": [
60                {
61                        "eventAction": "last changed",
62                        "eventDate": "2021-12-14T20:28:34-05:00"
63                },
64                {
65                        "eventAction": "registration",
66                        "eventDate": "2015-05-29T08:56:20-04:00"
67                }
68        ],
69        "links": [
70                {
71                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
72                        "rel": "self",
73                        "type": "application/rdap+json",
74                        "href": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/"
75                },
76                {
77                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
78                        "rel": "alternate",
79                        "type": "application/xml",
80                        "href": "https://whois.arin.net/rest/net/NET-216-198-0-0-1"
81                }
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105                                                },
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125                        "roles": [
126                                "registrant"
127                        ],
128                        "links": [
129                                {
130                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
131                                        "rel": "self",
132                                        "type": "application/rdap+json",
133                                        "href": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/ZENDE-3"
134                                },
135                                {
136                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
137                                        "rel": "alternate",
138                                        "type": "application/xml",
139                                        "href": "https://whois.arin.net/rest/org/ZENDE-3"
140                                }
141                        ],
142                        "events": [
143                                {
144                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
145                                        "eventDate": "2020-09-30T20:20:29-04:00"
146                                },
147                                {
148                                        "eventAction": "registration",
149                                        "eventDate": "2012-10-04T15:42:20-04:00"
150                                }
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168                                                                },
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184                                                                "Network Operations"
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204                                                        [
205                                                                "email",
206                                                                {},
207                                                                "text",
208                                                                "[email protected]"
209                                                        ],
210                                                        [
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212                                                                {
213                                                                        "type": [
214                                                                                "work",
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217                                                                },
218                                                                "text",
219                                                                "+1-650-504-2345"
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221                                                ]
222                                        ],
223                                        "roles": [
224                                                "abuse",
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226                                                "noc",
227                                                "technical",
228                                                "administrative"
229                                        ],
230                                        "links": [
231                                                {
232                                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
233                                                        "rel": "self",
234                                                        "type": "application/rdap+json",
235                                                        "href": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/entity/NETWO5465-ARIN"
236                                                },
237                                                {
238                                                        "value": "https://rdap.arin.net/registry/ip/",
239                                                        "rel": "alternate",
240                                                        "type": "application/xml",
241                                                        "href": "https://whois.arin.net/rest/poc/NETWO5465-ARIN"
242                                                }
243                                        ],
244                                        "events": [
245                                                {
246                                                        "eventAction": "last changed",
247                                                        "eventDate": "2023-02-14T12:39:47-05:00"
248                                                },
249                                                {
250                                                        "eventAction": "registration",
251                                                        "eventDate": "2012-10-03T19:48:00-04:00"
252                                                }
253                                        ],
254                                        "status": [
255                                                "validated"
256                                        ],
257                                        "port43": "whois.arin.net",
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259                                }
260                        ],
261                        "port43": "whois.arin.net",
262                        "objectClassName": "entity"
263                }
264        ],
265        "port43": "whois.arin.net",
266        "status": [
267                "active"
268        ],
269        "objectClassName": "ip network",
270        "cidr0_cidrs": [
271                {
272                        "v4prefix": "",
273                        "length": 18
274                }
275        ],
276        "arin_originas0_originautnums": [
277                14618,
278                16509,
279                21880
280        ]

Gratis Værktøjer


Indtast en IP-adresse for at få detaljerede oplysninger om den, herunder geografisk placering, udbyder, ASN og Whois-information. Spor og lokaliser IP-adresser.

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Hvad er Min IP

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Hvad er ASN og AS-navnet for

ASN for er 16509, og AS-navnet er Amazon.com Inc.

Hvor mange domæner er hostet på

0 domæner er hostet på

Hvor er den geografiske placering af

Landet for er United States of America, og byen er San Francisco. Postnummeret for er 94103